New Sales Orders can be created in DynamxMFG® from third party applications using the Sales Order Creation API.
This POST API call enables Sales Orders to be create against
customers using the Customer Reference as an identifier.
The GET SalesOrders API returns data on how much of an order
has been dispatched, or when certain lines have been completed of the order. Making the request without any parameters will
simply return all orders.
Using the “lastUpdate” parameter, the GET SalesOrders request allows third party applications to receive all sales orders that have been updated or created from a certain point in time onwards.
The parameter “lastUpdated” date is in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
This will return the sales orders that have been created or updated from this
point onwards.
The GET request also returns Dispatch Notes data as part of the response. This allows third party software to be informed of the dispatch note for certain lines / quantities.
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